The more you walk around San Martín, the more ridiculous it gets. Just when you think you’ve seen it all they come up with a new fake German-style building and a corresponding name that just doesn’t make sense. I saw bars called “Bierhaus” or “Das Gute bier”. Yes, that’s the capitalisation they use. There are… Continue reading Waterfalls and Weather Fails: S.M. de los Andes – S.C. de Bariloche
Tag: Neuquén
I’ve been through the desert… Zapala – S.M. de los Andes
… on a horse made of steel. As far as horses go it’s a rather bad one: it won’t do anything unless I put all the energy in. Maybe the problem is having a steel horse called Gaucho. It might think that the roles are reversed. The advantage is of course that it doesn’t consume… Continue reading I’ve been through the desert… Zapala – S.M. de los Andes
Almost, but not Quite: Buta Ranquil – Zapala
Tuesday 7 November Tuesday started foggy, but soon enough the fog lifted and the sun was out for a bit. Most of the time it stayed cloudy. Today would be a big climbing day, so soon enough I found myself on a decently sized hill. After climbing that I descended to a small valley,… Continue reading Almost, but not Quite: Buta Ranquil – Zapala
A Rite of Passage: Malargüe – Buta Ranquil
Friday 3 November Friday’s ride is relatively short at 65 km, but it includes a climb up to about 2000 meters before descending to Bardas Blancas. Indeed the climb started soon enough, but it wasn’t too hard. There were some steep sections interleaved with easier climbs and even some downhill. The weather was sunny… Continue reading A Rite of Passage: Malargüe – Buta Ranquil